Sep 27
An English Lady’s garden in Gouarec – BTS AP 1
Proposé par : Jonathan ROCHE dans Sorties - Voyages le 27/09/2012 | | 2 Commentaires »

On Tuesday 25th September 2012, 32 students in HND1-Landscape Design visited “le Jardin de la rue au Lin” in Gouarec (22) and “l’Abbaye de Bon Repos” in St Gelven.

“Le Jardin de la rue au Lin” was originally an 8000 sq.metre-garden surrounding a family property, in the center of Gouarec, a small village in the heart of Brittany. At first, it mostly consisted in lawns and straight lines leading to the huge house.  18 years ago, it was designed by landscape architect Mr Michel Gesret who created a series of 3 terraces and after  various stages of works it is now composed of several gardens:  the formal garden which lines the house, the natural garden which goes along the river, the Japanese garden  which calls up to relaxation,  but also different mixed borders where a great variety of perennials calls back the English gardens with their exuberant bloom  in all seasons but with a peak between the end of June and the beginning of July.

The current garden, situated in a floodable area, was designed to be seen from above. It is asymmetric and includes a series of ornamental features such as statues, basins, benches –always located “where there is something to be seen”- and a beautiful waterfall created with a series of watering cans.  Mrs Le Moign, the landlady, who has been living in France for 42 years, is as most English people “mad” about gardening and insists on the importance of perspectives which incite the visitor to discover her garden, colourful plantings which soften the dull colour of schist, and curving yew and box hedges rounding the whole layout of her garden.

“Le Jardin de la rue au Lin” in Gouarec is not labelled « jardin remarquable » because Mrs Le Moign doesn’t want to open it to the public 60 days a year but it certainly is outstanding and we highly recommend it !


Nous avons  poursuivi  notre visite l’après midi à l’Abbaye de Bon Repos ou une guide nous a présenté l’histoire , la valorisation du site et ses étapes de reconstruction. L’ensemble des bâtiments que nous pouvons visiter  est une reconstruction du 18ème dans un style classique. Seul deux pans de mur subsistent du bâtiment d’origine.

Un exposition retraçait l’implantation des cisterciens et leur mode d’implantation agricole sur le territoire. L’Abbaye accueille aussi cette année des installations d’art contemporain de Bob Verschueren .




2 commentaires

  1. Yolande LE BARON a écrit :

    Les élèves et étudiants de Kerplouz ont vraiment de la chance !!! Leurs sorties pédagogiques font envie à ceux qui sont au bureau.

  2. Chiche Catherine a écrit :

    Wonderful ! You are lucky !

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